Angular 5 Dojo @ Civica Digital Bath / Hammersmith

Last night I had the pleasure of co-hosting with Raquel Plaza and Richard Press, the first joint Dojo between the Bath and Hammersmith Civica offices. I hope everyone enjoyed their introduction to the Angular CLI, or if you were a bit more advanced, managed to take away something new with you.

For all those who attended and those who would like to see the material, you can find it here. I will try and keep this updated to the best of my ability.

I would also recommend the following resources to continue down your Angular path.

Cheers for attending everyone!

Edit 1 27/04/2018 - A couple of people asked about why some modules use .forRoot() and .forChild() which I could not answer last night. However, Gareth Penfold the eager bee he is, had already gone away to look it up and has recomended the following post. Cheers Gareth :).